Friday, November 29, 2019

Legalize Marijuana Essays - Drug Control Law, Drug Culture

Legalize Marijuana The legalization of marijuana will reduce crime, narcotic drug use, and create a utopian society. Marijuana's effect on society is greatly over exaggerated in that marijuana acts as a scapegoat for many of society's problems. Marijuana is blamed today for being a gateway drug; this means that consumption of marijuana will lead to use of narcotic drugs, this claim has never been proven, the only grounds for it is that marijuana is a more widespread and more sampled drug. Furthermore, the legalization of marijuana would create potential tax revenue that would flow from a regulated market in marijuana. Marijuana grows throughout temperate regions, with more potent varieties produced in dry, hot, upland climates. Marijuana is defined as a cannabis plant; and or a preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, smoked or eaten to induce euphoria (marijuana, 827, Webster's). Euphoria is a feeling of great happiness or well being (euphoria, 468). Chronic marijuana users may develop a motivational syndrome characterized by passivity, decreased motivation, and preoccupation with taking drugs. The relationship of this syndrome to marijuana use, however, has not been established. Like alcohol intoxication, marijuana intoxication impairs judgment, comprehension, memory, speech, problem-solving ability, and reaction time. The effect of long-term use on the intellect is unknown. There is no evidence that marijuana induces or causes brain damage (marijuana 2, Microsoft). The Drug Enforcement Agency estimates that we presently have 20 million regular users of marijuana in the United States (Heerema 130). The inclusion of drug users within society is in turn based on the premise that the desire to alter consciousness is a normal human trait, a drive as deep as the need for food, shelter and love (Siegel 1989). Humans perceive the use of marijuana to alter their state of consciousness as being a basic instinct that seems harmless and natural. Prohibition creates crime; it does not solve crime. It creates a tension within society that society cannot long bear. However, because some members of society are more tolerant of drug use than others, the attempt at prohibition inevitably tears society apart. It seems to work, for a while, but sooner or later the prohibition approach becomes untenable if society is to grow rather than stagnate. In the long run, society gradually adapts to the changes made necessary by the failure of the War on Drugs; and the new drugs appear, and then the cycle starts over (Aldrich 548). Therefore, if society wants to continue to grow, we must allow its inhabitants to alter their state of consciousness by using marijuana. A legal, regulated drug supply (as alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and prescription drugs) encourages people both socially and personally to use the smallest dosage and the lowest potency that will be effective. It encourages normalization and control of drug use, and discourages abuse. It accepts a certain social cost in that the use of these drugs will cause problems for some members of society; but it does not deny that drug use is human, and instead works through the problems presented by drug use in such a way as to minimize their harm. In exactly opposite fashion, the criminal approach to drug use encourages drug abuse, by attempting to cut off supply. This policy restriction makes the desired commodity scarce and difficult to obtain. In turn, the user wants as much as possible, in the highest possible potency, for hoarding as well as immediate use. This policy ignores the basic human urge to get high, discourages the controlled use of drugs, and offers no normal socialization, no internal or external controls, and no possibility of harm reduction. It puts even the casual or experimental user into the illicit drug subculture where abuse is more likely; and any attempt to encourage self-control, that is, showing people how to use drugs intelligently and in the least harmful way, is seen as condoning abuse (Weil and Rosen 1983). Therefore, the illicit drug scene, created by drug prohibition laws, encourages high-dose, high-potency drug seeking, and discourages moderation and self-regulation. The process of dilution is possible when drugs are legally regulated; but not when they are criminally distributed. In fact, dilution of strength is the basis for mass marketing of legal drugs;

Monday, November 25, 2019

Evolution of the Nation essays

Evolution of the Nation essays The United States of America, a young country on the world, has become the most successful, powerful and effectively country. Today, it is easy to see many symbols of the USA while traveling around the world. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald... can be easily found even in the third world countries. The flag of the United States is not strange to people from other countries. The word Hollywood seems to be same meaning the United States of America. Let look back closely to see what makes the United States of America, one of the youngest countries, becomes the most popular and powerful country in the world. The Civil War is a scar in the U.S. history; however, that brought the ideals of equality, justice, human dignity and liberty. After the war, the United States struggled with the conflict and the difference between Northern and Southern. On April 15, 1865 President Lincoln was assassinated and was succeeded by his vice president, Andrew Johnson. President Johnson, a Southerner, followed the footstep of his predecessor to weld the Union together. By the end of 1865, the secession was invalidated and the slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment. The following years, the 14th Amendment and the 15th Amendment were ratified, which affirmed the human dignity, equality and liberty. Following years, the political system of the United States had been consolidated year-by-year with many policies and actions to deal with uprising problems: the Pendleton Act-1883, the Interstate Commerce Act-1887, the Sherman Antitrust Act-1890, Railroad Legislation, Food and Drug Laws, Election of Senators , Child Labor, Federal Reserve Act-1913 ... The most important action was The Progressive Movement which was an effort to repair many mistakes what had been taken during the growth of the nation. The Progressive Movement included the effort to include more people more directly in the political process, the desire to remove co...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How has Human Civilization Advanced Because of our Knowledge of Fluid Essay

How has Human Civilization Advanced Because of our Knowledge of Fluid Mechanics - Essay Example s a diverse field in physics that have several branches such as fluid dynamics that studies effects of forces on fluid motion, fluid statics that studies fluids at rest, and fluid kinematics that studies fluids in motion. Fluid mechanics works hand in hand with hydraulics and has existed for a long time. Engineers also use fluid mechanics in aerodynamics when designing planes, ships, trains, and cars, designing mechanical systems such as engines and machines and town planning (Braben 45). Fluid mechanics has solved many problems since the ancient civilization to the modern world. In fluid mechanics, Civil engineers try to solve problems in floods by constructing better bridges and roads; they solve drainage problems by designing proper sewage systems, and design underground aquifers that supply water. The existence of fluid mechanics has contributed largely in the advancement of human civilization by affecting many areas. In the ancient civilization, many countries such as Egypt, India, China, and the Mayan people in South America used fluid mechanics in the construction of many structures. In the present day, application of fluid mechanics is seen in the construction of water reservoirs such as dams, wells, and boreholes. These serve humans in storage of water required for irrigation and drinking. Wells have existed since the ancient civilization, and they are actually used in the analysis of fluid mechanics. Other constructions include dams and boreholes (Braben 52). In the ancient civilization, human beings used pumps that dug shallow wells and boreholes. There was no technology to help dig deeper ones, and the pumps were manual and driven by hand. This caused contamination of water most of the times and people died of water borne diseases. In the present day, engineers use electrical and automated machines to drill deep wells and boreholes of up to 100 to 400 feet and this has helped a lot in solving such a problem. Unlike in the past where people went to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Female labor force in Turkey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Female labor force in Turkey - Research Paper Example 257). However, as time moved on, the number of women in the labor force started increasing rapidly from 1960 s through 1980s before starting to slow down in 1990s. By 1999, women made 60% of the world labor force which was considered as their peak participation in the labor market. However, since 1999, women participation in the labor force has greatly declined. This can be attributed to a number of reasons, which includes; lack of education, poverty, gender biasness in the employment sector and predominance of men in white-collar jobs such as medicine, engineering and law (Vaizey, P. 57). Nonetheless, across the world women participation in the labor force remains at a relative high level especially among women with children, and a good number of women does a full-time job all year round. The high number of women in the job market can also be attributed to the fact that women have increasingly ventured in the field of education, and a good number of them have acquired higher levels of education. Among women aged between 25-64 years of age in the labor force, the number of those who had attained a college degree tripled from the year 1970 to 2012 (Mills, P. 41). In terms of earnings, women’s earnings in relation to the men’s earning have also been growing since the Second World War 2. During 1970s, women’s earnings were 62% of the men’s earning among women who had a full-time job during that time. In 2012, women’s earning was calculated as 81% of the men’s earning for women who had a full-time job at that time. This trend indicates that women’s population continues to increase in the labor force as time goes by. In 2012, 57.7% of women were in the labor force while men labor force percentage which has always been more than that of women was quoted at 70.5% (Vatter, P. 8). Across the world, the women unemployment rate was 7.9 percent while that of men was 8.2 percent. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Strategic report on The CrossChannel Transport Business and Essay

A Strategic report on The CrossChannel Transport Business and Eurotunnel (GET.SA) - Essay Example Choice affects outcomes and this is the nature of strategy. Whereas organizations can often function just fine in periods of stability, this is not appropriate for long-term success. Environmental turbulence and competition are sure to increase at some point, at which the company that was relying so heavily on the stability will be adversely affected. This is the very basis of the formation of strategic management. Whatever strategy a company decides to employ will be based on their unique organizational structure, their access to resources, their relationship with the environment, and their desired objective(s) (Wikipedia, 2008). Capacity on Cross-Channel traffic has grown with the opening of the tunnel in 1994, and with bigger modernized ferries, and fast hydrofoil services. Unlike low-cost airlines where lower prices have led to a growth in travel, demand for vehicle transit across the channel has not also grown rapidly, therefore and intensely competitive situation persists, especially away from holiday 'peaks'. It is easily notable here that while Eurotunnel is experience steadiness, they are not experiencing the growth they desire. People have other choices for travel, such as flying. When the price of airline travel goes down, Eurotunnel experiences less business. Road freight traffic grows steadily with economic growth in the EU; car traffic (especially from the UK) is largely dependent on shopping and vacation choices. Eurotunnel also has 'rail-user' customers 'Eurostar' and 'Rail-freight'; the former is growing rapidly, the latter has problems. According to the company information that is provided to the public on their corporate website, "Eurotunnel is the holder, until 2086, of the Concession to operate the cross-Channel Fixed Link made up of twin rail tunnels and a service tunnel below the bed of the Straits of Dover, of two terminals in Folkestone (Kent) and Coquelles (Pas-de-Calais) which provide access, as well as a fleet of 25 Shuttles which transport passenger vehicles or trucks. This impressive undersea structure, the longest in the world, also gives passage to passenger and freight carrying trains belonging to rail operators" (Eurotunnel, 2008). There are current and future key issues and trends that are likely to affect this market and GET.SA's strategy-making. One major issue is the abolishment of the Strategic Rail Authority in 2006, as it is yet to be determined how this will strategically affect the industry. The United Kingdom's growth rate largely determines the condition of the passenger and freight transport markets in the country. According to Bharat Book Review: "The present economic climate remains favourable for companies operating in the market, with economic growth steady, and both inflation and unemployment levels relatively low by historical standards. Rail passenger markets benefit from the fact that work-related trips, both the journey to work and trips undertaken as part of business activity, are likely to be relatively inelastic to short-term changes in the economic climate. Rail freight, which serves markets for the carriage of industrial materials, is likely to be relatively unaffected by any short-ter m fluctuations in consumer demand (2006). There are other customer concerns that are affecting this market. First of all, they are concerned about issues such as safety and security.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of Honeynets and Honeypots for Security

Analysis of Honeynets and Honeypots for Security Chapter 1 Introduction Honeynet is a kind of a network security tool, most of the network security tools we have are passive in nature for example Firewalls and IDS. They have the dynamic database of available rules and signatures and they operate on these rules. That is why anomaly detection is limited only to the set of available rules. Any activity that is not in alignment with the given rules and signatures goes under the radar undetected. Honeypots by design allows you to take the initiative, and trap those bad guys (hackers). This system has no production value, with no authorized activity. Any interaction with the honeypot is considered malicious in intent. The combination of honeypots is honeynet. Basically honeypots or honeynets do not solve the security problem but provide information and knowledge that help the system administrator to enhance the overall security of his network and systems. This knowledge can act as an Intrusion detection system and used as input for any early warning systems. O ver the years researchers have successfully isolated and identified verity of worms exploits using honeypots and honeynets. Honeynets extend the concept of a single honeypot to a highly controlled network of honeypots. A honeynet is a specialized network architecture cond in a way to achieve Data Control, Data Capture Data Collection. This architecture builds a controlled network that one can control and monitor all kind of system and network activity. 1.1 Information Security Information Security is the protection of all sensitive information, electronic or otherwise, which is owned by an individual or an organization. It deals with the preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. It protects information of organizations from all kinds of threats to ensure business continuity, minimize business damage and maximize the return on investment and business opportunities. Information stored is highly confidential and not for public viewing. Through information security we protect its availability, privacy and integrity. Information is one of most important assets of financial institutions. Fortification of information assets is essential to ascertain and maintain trust between the financial institution and its customers, maintain compliance with the law, and protect the reputation of the institution. Timely and reliable information is compulsory to process transactions and support financial institution and customer decisions. A financial institutions earnings and capital can be adversely affected, if information becomes known to unauthorized parties is distorted or is not available when it is needed [15]. 1.2 Network Security It is the protection of networks and its services from any unauthorized access. It includes the confidentiality and integrity of all data passing through the network. It also includes the security of all Network devices and all information assets connected to a network as well as protection against all kind of known and unknown attacks. The ITU-T Security Architecture for Open System Interconnection (OSI) document X.800 and RFC 2828 are the standard documentation defining security services. X.800 divides the security services into 5 categories and 14 specific services which can be summarized as Table 1.1 OSI X.800 Summary[8] â€Å"1. AUTHENTICATION The assurance that the communicating entity is the one that it claims to be. Peer Entity Authentication Used in association with a logical connection to provide confidence in the identity of the entities connected. Data Origin Authentication In a connectionless transfer, provides assurance that the source of received data is as claimed. 2. ACCESS CONTROL The prevention of unauthorized use of a resource (i.e., this service controls who can have access to a resource, under what conditions access can occur, and what those accessing the resource are allowed to do). 3. DATA CONFIDENTIALITY The protection of data from unauthorized disclosure. Connection Confidentiality The protection of all user data on a connection. Connectionless Confidentiality The protection of all user data in a single data block Selective-Field Confidentiality The confidentiality of selected fields within the user data on a connection or in a single data block. Traffic Flow Confidentiality The protection of the information that might be derived from observation of traffic flows. 4. DATA INTEGRITY The assurance that data received are exactly as sent by an authorized entity (i.e., contain no modification, insertion, deletion, or replay). Connection Integrity with Recovery Provides for the integrity of all user data on a connection and detects any modification, insertion, deletion, or replay of any data within an entire data sequence, with recovery attempted. Connection Integrity without Recovery As above, but provides only detection without recovery. Selective-Field Connection Integrity Provides for the integrity of selected fields within the user data of a data block transferred over a connection and takes the form of determination of whether the selected fields have been modified, inserted, deleted, or replayed. Connectionless Integrity Provides for the integrity of a single connectionless data block and may take the form of detection of data modification. Additionally, a limited form of replay detection may be provided. Selective-Field Connectionless Integrity Provides for the integrity of selected fields within a single connectionless data block; takes the form of determination of whether the selected fields have been modified. 5. NONREPUDIATION Provides protection against denial by one of the entities involved in a communication of having participated in all or part of the communication. Nonrepudiation, Origin Proof that the message was sent by the specified party. Nonrepudiation, Destination Proof that the message was received by the specified party.† [1] [8], [9], 1.3 The Security Problem System security personnel fighting an unending battle to secure their digital assets against the ever increasing attacks, verity of attacks and their intensity is increasing day by day. Most of the attacks are detected after the exploitations so there should be awareness of the threats and vulnerabilities that exist in the Internet today. First we have to understand that we cannot say that there exists a perfect secure machine or network because the closest we can get to an absolute secure machine is that we unplugged the network cable and power supply and put that machine in to a safe. Unfortunately it is not useful in that state. We cannot achieve perfect security and perfect access at the same time. We can only increase the no of doors but we cannot put wall instead of doors. In field of security we need to find the vulnerably and exploits before they affect us. Honeypot and honeynet provides a valuable tool to collect information about the behavior of attackers in order to design and implement better defense. In the field of security it is important to note that we cannot simply state that what is the best type of firewall? Absolute security and absolute access are the two chief points. Absolute security and absolute access are inverse to each other. If we increase the security access will be decrease. There should be balance between absolute security and absolute defense, access is given without compromising the security. If we compare it to our daily lives we observe not much difference. We are continuously making decisions regarding what risks we are ready to take. When we step out of our homes we are taking a risk. As we get into a car and drive to our work place there is a risk associated with it too. There is a possibility that something might happen on the highway which will make us a part of an accident. When we fly and sit on an airplane we are willing to undergo the level of risk which is at par with the heavy amount we are paying for this convenience. It is observed that many people think differently about what an acceptable risk would be and in majority cases they do go beyond this thinking. For instance if I am sitting upstairs in my room and have to go to work, I wont take a jump straight out of the window. It might be a faster way but the danger of doing so and the injury I would have to face is much greater than the convenience. It is vital for every organization to decide that between the two opposite poles of total security and total access where they need to place themselves. It is necessary for a policy to articulate this system and then further explain the way it will be enforced with which practices and ways. Everything that is done under the name of security must strictly agree to the policy. 1.4 Types of Hacker Hackers are generally divide into two major categories. 1.4.1 Black Hats Black hat hackers are the biggest threat both internal and external to the IT infrastructure of any organization, as they are consistently challenging the security of applications and services. They are also called crackers, These are the persons who specialize in unauthorized infiltration. There could be Varity of reasons for this type of penetration it could be for profit, for enjoyment, or for political motivations or as a part of a social cause. Such infiltration often involves modification / destruction of data. 1.4.2 White Hats White hat hackers are similar to black hat hackers but there is a important difference that is white hat hackers do it without any criminal intention. Different companies all around the world hire/contact these kinds of persons to test their systems and softwares. They check how secure these systems are and point out any fault they found. These hackers, also known as ethical hackers, These are the persons or security experts who are specialize in penetration testing. These types of people are also known as tiger teams. These experts may use different types of methods and techniques to carry out their tests, including social engineering tactics, use of hacking tools, and attempts to bypass security to gain entry into protected areas, but they do this only to find weaknesses in the system[8]. 1.5 Types of Attacks There are many types of attacks that can be categorized under 2 major categories Active Attacks Passive Attacks 1.5.1 Active Attacks Active attacks involve the attacker taking the offensive and directing malicious packets towards its victims in order to gain illegitimate access of the target machine such as by performing exhaustive user password combinations as in brute-force attacks. Or by exploiting remote local vulnerabilities in services and applications that are termed as holes. Other types of attacks include Masquerading attack when attacker pretends to be a different entity. Attacker user fake Identity of some legitimate user. Replay attack In Replay attack, attacker captures data and retransmits it to produce an unauthorized effect. It is a kind of man in middle attack. Modification attack In this type of attack integrity of the message is compromise. Message or file is modified by the attacker to achieve his malicious goals. Denial of service (DOS)attack In DOS attack an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services. By targeting your computer and its network connection, or the computers and network of the sites you are trying to use, an attacker may be able to prevent you from accessing email, websites, online accounts (banking, etc.), or other services that rely on the affected computer. TCP ICMP scanning is also a form of active attacks in which the attackers exploit the way protocols are designed to respond. e.g. ping of death, sync attacks etc. In all types of active attacks the attacker creates noise over the network and transmits packets making it possible to detect and trace the attacker. Depending on the skill level, it has been observed that the skill full attackers usually attack their victims from proxy destinations that they have victimized earlier. 1.5.2 Passive Attacks Passive attacks involve the attacker being able to intercept, collect monitor any transmission sent by their victims. Thus, eavesdropping on their victim and in the process being able to listen in to their victims or targets communications. Passive attacks are very specialized types of attacks which are aimed at obtaining information that is being transmitted over secure and insecure channels. Since the attacker does not create any noise or minimal noise on the network so it is very difficult to detect and identify them. Passive attacks can be divided into 2 main types, the release of message content and traffic analysis. Release of message content It involves protecting message content from getting in hands of unauthorized users during transmission. This can be as basic as a message delivered via a telephone conversation, instant messenger chat, email or a file. Traffic analysis It involves techniques used by attackers to retrieve the actual message from encrypted intercepted messages of their victims. Encryption provides a means to mask the contents of a message using mathematical formulas and thus make them unreadable. The original message can only be retrieved by a reverse process called decryption. This cryptographic system is often based on a key or a password as input from the user. With traffic analysis the attacker can passively observe patterns, trends, frequencies and lengths of messages to guess the key or retrieve the original message by various cryptanalysis systems. Chapter 2 Honeypot and Honeynet 2.1 Honeypot Is a system, or part of a system, deliberately made to invite an intruder or system cracker. Honeypots have additional functionality and intrusion detection systems built into them for the collection of valuable information on the intruders. The era of virtualization had its impact on security and honeypots, the community responded, marked by the fine efforts of Niels Provos (founder of honeyd) Thorsten Holz for their masterpiece book â€Å"Virtual Honeypots From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection† in 2007. 2.2 Types of Honeypots Honeypots can be categorized into 2 main types based on Level of interaction Deployment. 2.2.1 Level of interaction Level of interaction determines the amount of functionality a honeypot provides. Low-interaction Honeypot Low-interaction honey pots are limited in the extent of their interaction with the attacker. They are generally emulator of the services and operating systems. High interaction Honeypot High-interaction honeypots are complex solution they involve with the deployment of real operating systems and applications. High interaction honeypots capture extensive amount of information by allowing attacker to interact with the real systems. 2.2.2 Deployment Based on deployment honeypot may be classified as Production Honeypots Research Honeypots Production Honeypots Production honeypots are honeypots that are placed within the production networks for the purpose of detection. They extend the capabilities of the intrusion detection systems. These type of honeypots are developed and cond to integrate with the organizations infrastructure and scope. They are usually implemented as low-interaction honeypots but implementation may vary depending on the available funding and expertise required by the organization. Production honeypots can be placed within the application and authentication server subnets and can identify any attacks directed towards those subnets. Thus they can be used to identify both internal and external threats for an organization. These types of honeypots can also be used to detect malware propagation in the network caused by zero day exploits. Since IDSs detection is based on database signatures they fail to detect exploits that are not defined in their databases. This is where the honeypots out shine the Intrusion detection systems. They aid the system network administrators by providing network situational awareness. On basis of these results administrators can take decisions necessary to add or enhance security resources of the organization e.g. firewall, IDS and IPS etc. Research Honeypots Research honeypots are deployed by network security researchers the whitehat hackers. Their primarily goal is to learn the tools, tactics techniques of the blackhat hackers by which they exploit computers network systems. These honeypots are deployed with the idea of allowing the attacker complete freedom and in the process learn his tactics from his movement within the system. Research honeypots help security researchers to isolate attacker tools they use to exploit systems. They are then carefully studied within a sand box environment to identify zero day exploits. Worms, Trojans and viruses propagating in the network can also be isolated and studied. The researchers then document their findings and share with system programmers, network and system administrators various system and anti-virus vendors. They provide the raw material for the rule engines of IDS, IPS and firewall system. Research Honeypots act as early warning systems. They are designed to detect and log maximum information from attackers yet being stealthy enough not to let attackers identify them. The identity of the honeypot is crucial and we can conclude that the learning curve (from the attacker) is directly proportional to the stealthiest of thehoneypot .These types of honeypots are usually deployed at universities and by the RD departments of various organizations. These types of honeypots are usually deployed as High-Interaction honeypots. 2.3 Honeynet The concept of the honeypot is sometimes extended to a network of honeypots, known as a honeynet. In honeynet we grouped different types of honeypots with different operatrating systems which increases the probability of trapping an attacker. At the same time, a setting in which the attacker explores the honeynet through network connections between the various host systems provides additional prospects for monitoring the attack and revealing information about the intruder. The honeynet operator can also use the honeynet for training purposes, gaining valuable experience with attack strategies and digital forensics without endangering production systems. The Honeynet project is a non-profit research organization that provides tools for building and managing honeynets. The tools of the Honeynet project are designed for the latest generation of high interaction honeynets that require two separate networks. The honeypots reside on the first network, and the second network holds the tools for managing the honeynet. Between these tools (and facing the Internet) is a device known as the honeywall. The honeywall, which is actually a kind of gateway device, captures controls, and analyzes all inbound and outbound traffic to the honeypots[4]. It is a high-interaction honeypot designed to capture wide-range of information on threats. High-interaction means that a honeynet provides real systems, applications, and services for attackers to interact with, as opposed to low-interaction honeypots which provide emulated services and operating systems. It is through this extensive interaction we gain information on threats, both external and internal to an organization. What makes a honeynet different from most honeypots is that it is a network of real computers for attackers to interact with. These victim systems (honeypots within the honeynet) can be any type of system, service, or information you want to provide [14]. 2.4 Honeynet Data Management Data management consist of three process Data control, data capture and data collection. 2.4.1 Data Control Data control is the containment of activity within the honeynet. It determines the means through which the attackers activity can be restricted in a way to avoid damaging/abusing other systems/resources through the honeynet. This demands a great deal of planning as we require to give the attacker freedom in order to learn from his moves and at the same time not let our resources (honeypot+bandwidth) to be used to attack, damage and abuse other hosts on the same or different subnets. Careful measures are taken by the administrators of the honeynet to study and formulate a policy on attackers freedom versus containment and implement this in a way to achieve maximum data control and yet not be discovered or identified by the attacker as a honeypot. Security is a process and is implemented in layers, various mechanisms to achieve data control are available such as firewall, counting outbound connections, intrusion detection systems,intrusion prevention systems and bandwidth restriction e tc. Depending on our requirements and risk thresholds defined we can implement data control mechanisms accordingly [4]. 2.4.2 Data Capture Data Capture involves the capturing, monitoring and logging of allthreats and attacker activities within the honeynet. Analysis of this captured data provides an insight on the tools, tactics, techniques and motives of the attackers. The concept is to achieve maximum logging capability at all nodes and hence log any kind of attackers interaction without the attacker knowing it. This type of stealthy logging is achieved by setting up tools and mechanisms on the honeypots to log all system activity and have network logging capability at the honeywall. Every bit of information is crucial in studying the attacker whether its a TCP port scan, remote and local exploit attempt, brute force attack, attack tool download by the haacker, various local commands run, any type of communication carried out over encrypted and unencrypted channels (mostly IRC) and any outbound connection attempt made by the attacker [25]. All of this should be logged successfully and sent over to a remote location to avoid any loss of data due to risk of system damage caused by attackers, such as data wipe out on disk etc. In order to avoid detection of this kind of activity from the attacker, data masking techniques such as encryption should be used. 2.4.3 Data Collection Once data is captured, it is securely sent to a centralized data collection point. Data is used for analysis and archiving which is collected from different honeynet sensors. Implementations may vary depending on the requirements of the organization, however latest implementations incorporate data collection at the honeywall gateway [19]. 2.5 Honeynet Architectures There are three honeynet architectures namely Generation I, Generation II and Generation III 2.5.1 Generation I Architecture Gen I Honeynet was developed in 1999 by the Honeynet Project. Its purpose was to capture attackers activity and give them the feeling of a real network. The architecture is simple with a firewall aided by IDS at front and honeypots placed behind it. This makes it detectable by attacker [7]. 2.5.2 Generation II III Architecture Gen II honeynets were first introduced in 2001 and Gen III honeynets was released in the end of 2004. Gen II honeynets were made in order to address the issues of Gen I honeynets. Gen II and Gen III honeynets have the same architecture. The only difference being improvements in deployment and management, in Gen III honeynets along with the addition of Sebek server built in the honeywall. Sebek is a stealthy capture tool installed on honeypots that capture and log all requests sent to the system read and write system call. This is very helpful in providing an insight on the attacker [7]. A radical change in architecture was brought about by the introduction of a single device that handles the data control and data capture mechanisms of the honeynet called the IDS Gateway or marketing-wise, the Honeywall. By making the architecture more â€Å"stealthy†, attackers are kept longer and thus more data is captured. There was also a major thrust in improving honeypot layer of data capture with the introduction of a new UNIX and Windows based data. 2.6 Virtual Honeynet Virtualization is a technology that allows running multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. Each virtual machine can be an independent Operating system installation. This is achieved by sharing the physical machines resources such as CPU, Memory, Storage and peripherals through specialized software across multiple environments. Thus multiple virtual Operating systems can run concurrently on a single physical machine [4]. A virtual machine is specialized software that can run its own operating systems and applications as if it were a physical computer. It has its own CPU, RAM storage and peripherals managed by software that dynamically shares it with the physical hardware resources. Virtulization A virtual Honeynet is a solution that facilitates one to run a honeynet on a single computer. We use the term virtual because all the different operating systems placed in the honeynet have the appearance to be running on their own, independent computer. Network to a machine on the Honeynet may indicate a compromised enterprise system. CHAPTER 3 Design and Implementation Computer networks, connected to the Internet are vulnerable to a variety of exploits that can compromise their intended operations. Systems can be subject to Denial of Service Attacks, i-e preventing other computers to gain access for the desired service (e.g. web server) or prevent them from connecting to other computers on the Internet. They can also be subject to attacks that cause them to cease operations either temporarily or permanently. A hacker may be able to compromise a system and gain root access as if he is the system administrator. The number of exploits targeted against various platforms, operating systems, and applications increasing regularly. Most of vulnerabilities and attack methods are detected after the exploitations and cause big loses. Following are the main components of physical deployment of honeynet. First is the design of the Deployed Architecture. Then we installed SUN Virtual box as the Virtualization software. In this we virtually installed three Operating System two of them will work as honey pots and one Honeywall Roo 1.4 as Honeynet transparent Gateway. Snort and sebek are the part of honeywall roo operating system. Snort as IDS and Snort-Inline as IPS. Sebek as the Data Capture tool on the honeypot. The entire OS and honeywall functionality is installed on the system it formats all the previous data from the hard disk. The only purpose now of the CDROM is to install this functionality to the local hard drive. LiveCD could not be modified, so after installing it on the hard drive we can modify it according to our requirement. This approach help us to maintain the honeywall, allowing honeynet to use automated tools such asyumto keep packages current [31]. In the following table there is a summry of products with features installed in honeynet and hardware requirements. Current versions of the installed products are also mention in the table. Table 3.1 Project Summary Project Summary Feature Product Specifications Host Operating System Windows Server 2003 R2 HW Vendor HP Compaq DC 7700 ProcessorIntel(R) Pentium ® D CPU 3GHz RAM 2GB Storage 120GB NIC 1GB Ethernet controller (public IP ) Guest Operating System 1 Linux, Honeywall Roo 1.4 Single Processor Virtual Machine ( HONEYWALL ) RAM 512 MB Storage 10 GB NIC 1 100Mbps Bridged interface NIC 2 100Mbps host-only interface NIC 3 100Mbps Bridged interface (public IP ) Guest Operating System 2 Linux, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Single Processor Virtual Machine ( HONEYPOT ) RAM 256 MB Storage 10 GB NIC 100Mbps host-only vmnet (public IP ) Guest Operating System 3 Windows Server 2003 Single Processor Virtual Machine ( HONEYPOT ) RAM 256 MB Storage 10 GB NIC 100Mbps host-only vmnet (public IP ) Virtualization software SUN Virtual Box Version 3 Architecture Gen III Gen III implemented as a virtual honeynet Honeywall Roo Roo 1.4 IDS Snort Snort 2.6.x IPS Snort_inline Snort_inline Data Capture Tool (on honeypots) Sebek Sebek 3.2.0 Honeynet Project Online Tenure November 12, 2009 TO December 12, 2009 3.1 Deployed Architecture and Design 3.2 Windows Server 2003 as Host OS Usability and performance of virtualization softwares are very good on windows server 2003. Windows Server 2003is aserveroperating system produced byMicrosoft. it is considered by Microsoft to be the cornerstone of itsWindows Server Systemline of business server products. Windows Server 2003 is more scalable and delivers better performance than its predecessor,Windows 2000. 3.3 Ubuntu as Honeypot Determined to use free and open source software for this project, Linux was the natural choice to fill as the Host Operating System for our projects server. Ubuntu 8.04 was used as a linux based honeypot for our implementation. The concept was to setup an up-to-date Ubuntu server, cond with commonly used services such as SSH, FTP, Apache, MySQL and PHP and study attacks directed towards them on the internet. Ubuntu being the most widely used Linux desktop can prove to be a good platform to study zero day exploits. It also becomes a candidate for malware collection and a source to learn hacker tools being used on the internet. Ubuntu was successfully deployed as a virtual machine and setup in our honeynet with a host-only virtual Ethernet connection. The honeypot was made sweeter i.e. an interesting target for the attacker by setting up all services with default settings, for example SSH allowed password based connectivity from any IP on default port 22, users created were given privi leges to install and run applications, Apache index.html page was made remotely accessible with default errors and banners, MySQL default port 1434 was accessible and outbound connections were allowed but limited [3]. Ubuntu is a computeroperating systembased on theDebianGNU/Linux distribution. It is named after theSouthern Africanethical ideology Ubuntu (humanity towards others)[5]and is distributed asfree and open source software. Ubuntu provides an up-to-date, stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus onusabilityand ease of installation. Ubuntu focuses onusability andsecurity. The Ubiquity installer allows Ubuntu to be installed to the hard disk from within the Live CD environment, without the need for restarting the computer prior to installation. Ubuntu also emphasizesaccessibilityandinternationalization to reach as many people as possible [33]. Ubuntu comes installed with a wide range of software that includes OpenOffice, Firefox,Empathy (Pidgin in versions before 9.10), Transmission, GIMP, and several lightweight games (such as Sudoku and chess). Ubuntu allows networking ports to be closed using its firewall, with customized port selectio Analysis of Honeynets and Honeypots for Security Analysis of Honeynets and Honeypots for Security Chapter 1 Introduction Honeynet is a kind of a network security tool, most of the network security tools we have are passive in nature for example Firewalls and IDS. They have the dynamic database of available rules and signatures and they operate on these rules. That is why anomaly detection is limited only to the set of available rules. Any activity that is not in alignment with the given rules and signatures goes under the radar undetected. Honeypots by design allows you to take the initiative, and trap those bad guys (hackers). This system has no production value, with no authorized activity. Any interaction with the honeypot is considered malicious in intent. The combination of honeypots is honeynet. Basically honeypots or honeynets do not solve the security problem but provide information and knowledge that help the system administrator to enhance the overall security of his network and systems. This knowledge can act as an Intrusion detection system and used as input for any early warning systems. O ver the years researchers have successfully isolated and identified verity of worms exploits using honeypots and honeynets. Honeynets extend the concept of a single honeypot to a highly controlled network of honeypots. A honeynet is a specialized network architecture cond in a way to achieve Data Control, Data Capture Data Collection. This architecture builds a controlled network that one can control and monitor all kind of system and network activity. 1.1 Information Security Information Security is the protection of all sensitive information, electronic or otherwise, which is owned by an individual or an organization. It deals with the preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. It protects information of organizations from all kinds of threats to ensure business continuity, minimize business damage and maximize the return on investment and business opportunities. Information stored is highly confidential and not for public viewing. Through information security we protect its availability, privacy and integrity. Information is one of most important assets of financial institutions. Fortification of information assets is essential to ascertain and maintain trust between the financial institution and its customers, maintain compliance with the law, and protect the reputation of the institution. Timely and reliable information is compulsory to process transactions and support financial institution and customer decisions. A financial institutions earnings and capital can be adversely affected, if information becomes known to unauthorized parties is distorted or is not available when it is needed [15]. 1.2 Network Security It is the protection of networks and its services from any unauthorized access. It includes the confidentiality and integrity of all data passing through the network. It also includes the security of all Network devices and all information assets connected to a network as well as protection against all kind of known and unknown attacks. The ITU-T Security Architecture for Open System Interconnection (OSI) document X.800 and RFC 2828 are the standard documentation defining security services. X.800 divides the security services into 5 categories and 14 specific services which can be summarized as Table 1.1 OSI X.800 Summary[8] â€Å"1. AUTHENTICATION The assurance that the communicating entity is the one that it claims to be. Peer Entity Authentication Used in association with a logical connection to provide confidence in the identity of the entities connected. Data Origin Authentication In a connectionless transfer, provides assurance that the source of received data is as claimed. 2. ACCESS CONTROL The prevention of unauthorized use of a resource (i.e., this service controls who can have access to a resource, under what conditions access can occur, and what those accessing the resource are allowed to do). 3. DATA CONFIDENTIALITY The protection of data from unauthorized disclosure. Connection Confidentiality The protection of all user data on a connection. Connectionless Confidentiality The protection of all user data in a single data block Selective-Field Confidentiality The confidentiality of selected fields within the user data on a connection or in a single data block. Traffic Flow Confidentiality The protection of the information that might be derived from observation of traffic flows. 4. DATA INTEGRITY The assurance that data received are exactly as sent by an authorized entity (i.e., contain no modification, insertion, deletion, or replay). Connection Integrity with Recovery Provides for the integrity of all user data on a connection and detects any modification, insertion, deletion, or replay of any data within an entire data sequence, with recovery attempted. Connection Integrity without Recovery As above, but provides only detection without recovery. Selective-Field Connection Integrity Provides for the integrity of selected fields within the user data of a data block transferred over a connection and takes the form of determination of whether the selected fields have been modified, inserted, deleted, or replayed. Connectionless Integrity Provides for the integrity of a single connectionless data block and may take the form of detection of data modification. Additionally, a limited form of replay detection may be provided. Selective-Field Connectionless Integrity Provides for the integrity of selected fields within a single connectionless data block; takes the form of determination of whether the selected fields have been modified. 5. NONREPUDIATION Provides protection against denial by one of the entities involved in a communication of having participated in all or part of the communication. Nonrepudiation, Origin Proof that the message was sent by the specified party. Nonrepudiation, Destination Proof that the message was received by the specified party.† [1] [8], [9], 1.3 The Security Problem System security personnel fighting an unending battle to secure their digital assets against the ever increasing attacks, verity of attacks and their intensity is increasing day by day. Most of the attacks are detected after the exploitations so there should be awareness of the threats and vulnerabilities that exist in the Internet today. First we have to understand that we cannot say that there exists a perfect secure machine or network because the closest we can get to an absolute secure machine is that we unplugged the network cable and power supply and put that machine in to a safe. Unfortunately it is not useful in that state. We cannot achieve perfect security and perfect access at the same time. We can only increase the no of doors but we cannot put wall instead of doors. In field of security we need to find the vulnerably and exploits before they affect us. Honeypot and honeynet provides a valuable tool to collect information about the behavior of attackers in order to design and implement better defense. In the field of security it is important to note that we cannot simply state that what is the best type of firewall? Absolute security and absolute access are the two chief points. Absolute security and absolute access are inverse to each other. If we increase the security access will be decrease. There should be balance between absolute security and absolute defense, access is given without compromising the security. If we compare it to our daily lives we observe not much difference. We are continuously making decisions regarding what risks we are ready to take. When we step out of our homes we are taking a risk. As we get into a car and drive to our work place there is a risk associated with it too. There is a possibility that something might happen on the highway which will make us a part of an accident. When we fly and sit on an airplane we are willing to undergo the level of risk which is at par with the heavy amount we are paying for this convenience. It is observed that many people think differently about what an acceptable risk would be and in majority cases they do go beyond this thinking. For instance if I am sitting upstairs in my room and have to go to work, I wont take a jump straight out of the window. It might be a faster way but the danger of doing so and the injury I would have to face is much greater than the convenience. It is vital for every organization to decide that between the two opposite poles of total security and total access where they need to place themselves. It is necessary for a policy to articulate this system and then further explain the way it will be enforced with which practices and ways. Everything that is done under the name of security must strictly agree to the policy. 1.4 Types of Hacker Hackers are generally divide into two major categories. 1.4.1 Black Hats Black hat hackers are the biggest threat both internal and external to the IT infrastructure of any organization, as they are consistently challenging the security of applications and services. They are also called crackers, These are the persons who specialize in unauthorized infiltration. There could be Varity of reasons for this type of penetration it could be for profit, for enjoyment, or for political motivations or as a part of a social cause. Such infiltration often involves modification / destruction of data. 1.4.2 White Hats White hat hackers are similar to black hat hackers but there is a important difference that is white hat hackers do it without any criminal intention. Different companies all around the world hire/contact these kinds of persons to test their systems and softwares. They check how secure these systems are and point out any fault they found. These hackers, also known as ethical hackers, These are the persons or security experts who are specialize in penetration testing. These types of people are also known as tiger teams. These experts may use different types of methods and techniques to carry out their tests, including social engineering tactics, use of hacking tools, and attempts to bypass security to gain entry into protected areas, but they do this only to find weaknesses in the system[8]. 1.5 Types of Attacks There are many types of attacks that can be categorized under 2 major categories Active Attacks Passive Attacks 1.5.1 Active Attacks Active attacks involve the attacker taking the offensive and directing malicious packets towards its victims in order to gain illegitimate access of the target machine such as by performing exhaustive user password combinations as in brute-force attacks. Or by exploiting remote local vulnerabilities in services and applications that are termed as holes. Other types of attacks include Masquerading attack when attacker pretends to be a different entity. Attacker user fake Identity of some legitimate user. Replay attack In Replay attack, attacker captures data and retransmits it to produce an unauthorized effect. It is a kind of man in middle attack. Modification attack In this type of attack integrity of the message is compromise. Message or file is modified by the attacker to achieve his malicious goals. Denial of service (DOS)attack In DOS attack an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services. By targeting your computer and its network connection, or the computers and network of the sites you are trying to use, an attacker may be able to prevent you from accessing email, websites, online accounts (banking, etc.), or other services that rely on the affected computer. TCP ICMP scanning is also a form of active attacks in which the attackers exploit the way protocols are designed to respond. e.g. ping of death, sync attacks etc. In all types of active attacks the attacker creates noise over the network and transmits packets making it possible to detect and trace the attacker. Depending on the skill level, it has been observed that the skill full attackers usually attack their victims from proxy destinations that they have victimized earlier. 1.5.2 Passive Attacks Passive attacks involve the attacker being able to intercept, collect monitor any transmission sent by their victims. Thus, eavesdropping on their victim and in the process being able to listen in to their victims or targets communications. Passive attacks are very specialized types of attacks which are aimed at obtaining information that is being transmitted over secure and insecure channels. Since the attacker does not create any noise or minimal noise on the network so it is very difficult to detect and identify them. Passive attacks can be divided into 2 main types, the release of message content and traffic analysis. Release of message content It involves protecting message content from getting in hands of unauthorized users during transmission. This can be as basic as a message delivered via a telephone conversation, instant messenger chat, email or a file. Traffic analysis It involves techniques used by attackers to retrieve the actual message from encrypted intercepted messages of their victims. Encryption provides a means to mask the contents of a message using mathematical formulas and thus make them unreadable. The original message can only be retrieved by a reverse process called decryption. This cryptographic system is often based on a key or a password as input from the user. With traffic analysis the attacker can passively observe patterns, trends, frequencies and lengths of messages to guess the key or retrieve the original message by various cryptanalysis systems. Chapter 2 Honeypot and Honeynet 2.1 Honeypot Is a system, or part of a system, deliberately made to invite an intruder or system cracker. Honeypots have additional functionality and intrusion detection systems built into them for the collection of valuable information on the intruders. The era of virtualization had its impact on security and honeypots, the community responded, marked by the fine efforts of Niels Provos (founder of honeyd) Thorsten Holz for their masterpiece book â€Å"Virtual Honeypots From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection† in 2007. 2.2 Types of Honeypots Honeypots can be categorized into 2 main types based on Level of interaction Deployment. 2.2.1 Level of interaction Level of interaction determines the amount of functionality a honeypot provides. Low-interaction Honeypot Low-interaction honey pots are limited in the extent of their interaction with the attacker. They are generally emulator of the services and operating systems. High interaction Honeypot High-interaction honeypots are complex solution they involve with the deployment of real operating systems and applications. High interaction honeypots capture extensive amount of information by allowing attacker to interact with the real systems. 2.2.2 Deployment Based on deployment honeypot may be classified as Production Honeypots Research Honeypots Production Honeypots Production honeypots are honeypots that are placed within the production networks for the purpose of detection. They extend the capabilities of the intrusion detection systems. These type of honeypots are developed and cond to integrate with the organizations infrastructure and scope. They are usually implemented as low-interaction honeypots but implementation may vary depending on the available funding and expertise required by the organization. Production honeypots can be placed within the application and authentication server subnets and can identify any attacks directed towards those subnets. Thus they can be used to identify both internal and external threats for an organization. These types of honeypots can also be used to detect malware propagation in the network caused by zero day exploits. Since IDSs detection is based on database signatures they fail to detect exploits that are not defined in their databases. This is where the honeypots out shine the Intrusion detection systems. They aid the system network administrators by providing network situational awareness. On basis of these results administrators can take decisions necessary to add or enhance security resources of the organization e.g. firewall, IDS and IPS etc. Research Honeypots Research honeypots are deployed by network security researchers the whitehat hackers. Their primarily goal is to learn the tools, tactics techniques of the blackhat hackers by which they exploit computers network systems. These honeypots are deployed with the idea of allowing the attacker complete freedom and in the process learn his tactics from his movement within the system. Research honeypots help security researchers to isolate attacker tools they use to exploit systems. They are then carefully studied within a sand box environment to identify zero day exploits. Worms, Trojans and viruses propagating in the network can also be isolated and studied. The researchers then document their findings and share with system programmers, network and system administrators various system and anti-virus vendors. They provide the raw material for the rule engines of IDS, IPS and firewall system. Research Honeypots act as early warning systems. They are designed to detect and log maximum information from attackers yet being stealthy enough not to let attackers identify them. The identity of the honeypot is crucial and we can conclude that the learning curve (from the attacker) is directly proportional to the stealthiest of thehoneypot .These types of honeypots are usually deployed at universities and by the RD departments of various organizations. These types of honeypots are usually deployed as High-Interaction honeypots. 2.3 Honeynet The concept of the honeypot is sometimes extended to a network of honeypots, known as a honeynet. In honeynet we grouped different types of honeypots with different operatrating systems which increases the probability of trapping an attacker. At the same time, a setting in which the attacker explores the honeynet through network connections between the various host systems provides additional prospects for monitoring the attack and revealing information about the intruder. The honeynet operator can also use the honeynet for training purposes, gaining valuable experience with attack strategies and digital forensics without endangering production systems. The Honeynet project is a non-profit research organization that provides tools for building and managing honeynets. The tools of the Honeynet project are designed for the latest generation of high interaction honeynets that require two separate networks. The honeypots reside on the first network, and the second network holds the tools for managing the honeynet. Between these tools (and facing the Internet) is a device known as the honeywall. The honeywall, which is actually a kind of gateway device, captures controls, and analyzes all inbound and outbound traffic to the honeypots[4]. It is a high-interaction honeypot designed to capture wide-range of information on threats. High-interaction means that a honeynet provides real systems, applications, and services for attackers to interact with, as opposed to low-interaction honeypots which provide emulated services and operating systems. It is through this extensive interaction we gain information on threats, both external and internal to an organization. What makes a honeynet different from most honeypots is that it is a network of real computers for attackers to interact with. These victim systems (honeypots within the honeynet) can be any type of system, service, or information you want to provide [14]. 2.4 Honeynet Data Management Data management consist of three process Data control, data capture and data collection. 2.4.1 Data Control Data control is the containment of activity within the honeynet. It determines the means through which the attackers activity can be restricted in a way to avoid damaging/abusing other systems/resources through the honeynet. This demands a great deal of planning as we require to give the attacker freedom in order to learn from his moves and at the same time not let our resources (honeypot+bandwidth) to be used to attack, damage and abuse other hosts on the same or different subnets. Careful measures are taken by the administrators of the honeynet to study and formulate a policy on attackers freedom versus containment and implement this in a way to achieve maximum data control and yet not be discovered or identified by the attacker as a honeypot. Security is a process and is implemented in layers, various mechanisms to achieve data control are available such as firewall, counting outbound connections, intrusion detection systems,intrusion prevention systems and bandwidth restriction e tc. Depending on our requirements and risk thresholds defined we can implement data control mechanisms accordingly [4]. 2.4.2 Data Capture Data Capture involves the capturing, monitoring and logging of allthreats and attacker activities within the honeynet. Analysis of this captured data provides an insight on the tools, tactics, techniques and motives of the attackers. The concept is to achieve maximum logging capability at all nodes and hence log any kind of attackers interaction without the attacker knowing it. This type of stealthy logging is achieved by setting up tools and mechanisms on the honeypots to log all system activity and have network logging capability at the honeywall. Every bit of information is crucial in studying the attacker whether its a TCP port scan, remote and local exploit attempt, brute force attack, attack tool download by the haacker, various local commands run, any type of communication carried out over encrypted and unencrypted channels (mostly IRC) and any outbound connection attempt made by the attacker [25]. All of this should be logged successfully and sent over to a remote location to avoid any loss of data due to risk of system damage caused by attackers, such as data wipe out on disk etc. In order to avoid detection of this kind of activity from the attacker, data masking techniques such as encryption should be used. 2.4.3 Data Collection Once data is captured, it is securely sent to a centralized data collection point. Data is used for analysis and archiving which is collected from different honeynet sensors. Implementations may vary depending on the requirements of the organization, however latest implementations incorporate data collection at the honeywall gateway [19]. 2.5 Honeynet Architectures There are three honeynet architectures namely Generation I, Generation II and Generation III 2.5.1 Generation I Architecture Gen I Honeynet was developed in 1999 by the Honeynet Project. Its purpose was to capture attackers activity and give them the feeling of a real network. The architecture is simple with a firewall aided by IDS at front and honeypots placed behind it. This makes it detectable by attacker [7]. 2.5.2 Generation II III Architecture Gen II honeynets were first introduced in 2001 and Gen III honeynets was released in the end of 2004. Gen II honeynets were made in order to address the issues of Gen I honeynets. Gen II and Gen III honeynets have the same architecture. The only difference being improvements in deployment and management, in Gen III honeynets along with the addition of Sebek server built in the honeywall. Sebek is a stealthy capture tool installed on honeypots that capture and log all requests sent to the system read and write system call. This is very helpful in providing an insight on the attacker [7]. A radical change in architecture was brought about by the introduction of a single device that handles the data control and data capture mechanisms of the honeynet called the IDS Gateway or marketing-wise, the Honeywall. By making the architecture more â€Å"stealthy†, attackers are kept longer and thus more data is captured. There was also a major thrust in improving honeypot layer of data capture with the introduction of a new UNIX and Windows based data. 2.6 Virtual Honeynet Virtualization is a technology that allows running multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. Each virtual machine can be an independent Operating system installation. This is achieved by sharing the physical machines resources such as CPU, Memory, Storage and peripherals through specialized software across multiple environments. Thus multiple virtual Operating systems can run concurrently on a single physical machine [4]. A virtual machine is specialized software that can run its own operating systems and applications as if it were a physical computer. It has its own CPU, RAM storage and peripherals managed by software that dynamically shares it with the physical hardware resources. Virtulization A virtual Honeynet is a solution that facilitates one to run a honeynet on a single computer. We use the term virtual because all the different operating systems placed in the honeynet have the appearance to be running on their own, independent computer. Network to a machine on the Honeynet may indicate a compromised enterprise system. CHAPTER 3 Design and Implementation Computer networks, connected to the Internet are vulnerable to a variety of exploits that can compromise their intended operations. Systems can be subject to Denial of Service Attacks, i-e preventing other computers to gain access for the desired service (e.g. web server) or prevent them from connecting to other computers on the Internet. They can also be subject to attacks that cause them to cease operations either temporarily or permanently. A hacker may be able to compromise a system and gain root access as if he is the system administrator. The number of exploits targeted against various platforms, operating systems, and applications increasing regularly. Most of vulnerabilities and attack methods are detected after the exploitations and cause big loses. Following are the main components of physical deployment of honeynet. First is the design of the Deployed Architecture. Then we installed SUN Virtual box as the Virtualization software. In this we virtually installed three Operating System two of them will work as honey pots and one Honeywall Roo 1.4 as Honeynet transparent Gateway. Snort and sebek are the part of honeywall roo operating system. Snort as IDS and Snort-Inline as IPS. Sebek as the Data Capture tool on the honeypot. The entire OS and honeywall functionality is installed on the system it formats all the previous data from the hard disk. The only purpose now of the CDROM is to install this functionality to the local hard drive. LiveCD could not be modified, so after installing it on the hard drive we can modify it according to our requirement. This approach help us to maintain the honeywall, allowing honeynet to use automated tools such asyumto keep packages current [31]. In the following table there is a summry of products with features installed in honeynet and hardware requirements. Current versions of the installed products are also mention in the table. Table 3.1 Project Summary Project Summary Feature Product Specifications Host Operating System Windows Server 2003 R2 HW Vendor HP Compaq DC 7700 ProcessorIntel(R) Pentium ® D CPU 3GHz RAM 2GB Storage 120GB NIC 1GB Ethernet controller (public IP ) Guest Operating System 1 Linux, Honeywall Roo 1.4 Single Processor Virtual Machine ( HONEYWALL ) RAM 512 MB Storage 10 GB NIC 1 100Mbps Bridged interface NIC 2 100Mbps host-only interface NIC 3 100Mbps Bridged interface (public IP ) Guest Operating System 2 Linux, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Single Processor Virtual Machine ( HONEYPOT ) RAM 256 MB Storage 10 GB NIC 100Mbps host-only vmnet (public IP ) Guest Operating System 3 Windows Server 2003 Single Processor Virtual Machine ( HONEYPOT ) RAM 256 MB Storage 10 GB NIC 100Mbps host-only vmnet (public IP ) Virtualization software SUN Virtual Box Version 3 Architecture Gen III Gen III implemented as a virtual honeynet Honeywall Roo Roo 1.4 IDS Snort Snort 2.6.x IPS Snort_inline Snort_inline Data Capture Tool (on honeypots) Sebek Sebek 3.2.0 Honeynet Project Online Tenure November 12, 2009 TO December 12, 2009 3.1 Deployed Architecture and Design 3.2 Windows Server 2003 as Host OS Usability and performance of virtualization softwares are very good on windows server 2003. Windows Server 2003is aserveroperating system produced byMicrosoft. it is considered by Microsoft to be the cornerstone of itsWindows Server Systemline of business server products. Windows Server 2003 is more scalable and delivers better performance than its predecessor,Windows 2000. 3.3 Ubuntu as Honeypot Determined to use free and open source software for this project, Linux was the natural choice to fill as the Host Operating System for our projects server. Ubuntu 8.04 was used as a linux based honeypot for our implementation. The concept was to setup an up-to-date Ubuntu server, cond with commonly used services such as SSH, FTP, Apache, MySQL and PHP and study attacks directed towards them on the internet. Ubuntu being the most widely used Linux desktop can prove to be a good platform to study zero day exploits. It also becomes a candidate for malware collection and a source to learn hacker tools being used on the internet. Ubuntu was successfully deployed as a virtual machine and setup in our honeynet with a host-only virtual Ethernet connection. The honeypot was made sweeter i.e. an interesting target for the attacker by setting up all services with default settings, for example SSH allowed password based connectivity from any IP on default port 22, users created were given privi leges to install and run applications, Apache index.html page was made remotely accessible with default errors and banners, MySQL default port 1434 was accessible and outbound connections were allowed but limited [3]. Ubuntu is a computeroperating systembased on theDebianGNU/Linux distribution. It is named after theSouthern Africanethical ideology Ubuntu (humanity towards others)[5]and is distributed asfree and open source software. Ubuntu provides an up-to-date, stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus onusabilityand ease of installation. Ubuntu focuses onusability andsecurity. The Ubiquity installer allows Ubuntu to be installed to the hard disk from within the Live CD environment, without the need for restarting the computer prior to installation. Ubuntu also emphasizesaccessibilityandinternationalization to reach as many people as possible [33]. Ubuntu comes installed with a wide range of software that includes OpenOffice, Firefox,Empathy (Pidgin in versions before 9.10), Transmission, GIMP, and several lightweight games (such as Sudoku and chess). Ubuntu allows networking ports to be closed using its firewall, with customized port selectio

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Work and Life of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Edgar Allan Poe Essays

A bit of Edgar Allan Poe's life had been molded into each piece of his work. This provided his readers and critics with a better understanding of Poe's life. Poe displayed his greatest life's achievements and his worst disappointments in a series of stories and poems created throughout his whole life. It is the goal of this research paper to reveal symbolic facts about Poe?s life and define these hidden parallels in some of his most famous works.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts (Encyclopedia Britannica 540). Poe?s parents were David Poe, an actor from Baltimore and Elizabeth Arnold Poe, an actress born in England, who had relocated to Baltimore. At birth, Poe had been cursed. Shortly afterwards, Poe?s father abandoned the family and left Poe and his mother to fend for themselves. Not long after that, the cruel hands of fate worked their horrible touch on Poe again by taking his mother. In 1811, when Poe was two, his mother passed away, leaving him with a great loss. After his father?s departure and mother?s sudden death, Poe was left in the hands of his godfather, John Allan. John Allan was a wealthy merchant based in Richmond, Virginia with the means, knowledge and money to provide a good life for Poe.   Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1815, Poe and his new family moved to England to provide him a classical education. Upon returning from England in 1826, Poe enrolled at the University of Virginia. This was a magnificent achievement for him, because Poe was only seventeen at the time while the normal age for attendance was nineteen (Quinn 130). For the first time, life was going good for Poe. His future looked to be a path paved with gold. When Poe entered college, his path of gold ended quickly. It was only another path of grief and disappointment. Poe soon began to gamble and drink alcohol quite heavily. He developed gambling debts from 2,000 to 2,500 dollars, which caused problems between his godfather and himself (Quinn 130). After eleven months at the university, Poe dropped out mainly because of his debts and drinking, but also for John Allan?s refusal to pay for his habits (Encyclopedia Britannica 540). Soon after Poe dropped out of school, he and John Allan had many quarrels over his gambling addiction. They finally decided it would be best for him to join the army. He joined under the alias of ?Edgar Allan Perry? (Encyclo... ...rks of Edgar Allan Poe, he is actually reading his autobiography with eccentric details to describe his life. Although he lived a short and tragic life, Edgar Allan Poe remains today one of the most beloved mystery writers of all time. His contributions to literature and the mystery genre cannot be matched. Bibliography Bloom, Harold. The Tales of Poe. New York, New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987: 121-145.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe. Boston: Twayne, 1977: 12-53. ?Edgar Allan Poe, The Dark Genius of the Short Story.? OnlineAvailableHttp://   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Partridge, Toby. ?Poetry by Edgar Allan Poe.? Online Available Http:// 8953/poe.html.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?Poe, Edgar Allan.? Encarta Encyclopedia. 2000 ed. ?Poe,Edgar Allan,? Encyclopedia Britannica. 1995 ed., Vol. 9: 540-542.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Poe, Edgar Allan. ?Fall of the House of Usher.? Literature: The American Experience. Needham: Prentice Hall, 1996. 194-206.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?Poe, Edgar Allan,? World Book Encyclopedia. 1991 ed., Vol. 15: 591-592. Quinn, Patrick F. ?Four Views of Edgar Poe.? Jahrbuch Fur Amerikastudien. 1960 ed., Vol. 5: 128-146.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Government Intervention in Venezuela’s Economy

Economic Commentary_1 The article: How can Venezuela be so rich in resources, but so low in supplies? By Douglas French/April 24, 2012 http://www. csmonitor. com/Business/The-Circle-Bastiat/2012/0424/How-can-Venezuela-be-so-rich-in-resources-but-so-low-in-supplies To what extend do a country’s natural resources explain whether consumer goods are on the nation’s shelves for people to buy. Venezuela is a prime example of this question.This is a country having abundant natural resources for it is one of the world’s top oil producers and rich in gold and other minerals, also the rich soil and temperate climate allow the country for productive agriculture. However, there are shortages of staple products like milk, meat and writing paper. This commentary focuses on the main reason causing this problem in Venezuela that is over intervention of the government towards the free market. In order to maintain the level of consumer prices, the president of Venezuela imposed pr ice controls by setting the price ceilings.Government officials claim â€Å"companies cause shortages on purpose, holding products off the market to push up prices. This month, the government required price cuts on fruit juice, toothpaste, disposable diapers and more than a dozen other products. † However, bad consequences of the price ceilings set by the government were inevitable in terms of shortages in supply, decreased market size, elimination of allocative efficiency and black markets. In figure1. 1, the original market equilibrium price under the intervention of free market is at Pe where the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal.After intervention of the central government, a binding price ceiling is set and the new market price is created at Pmax where the quantity supplied is much lower than quantity demanded. The artificially low price has caused more demand for the product, thus creating a movement from Qe along the demand curve to Qd. At the same time, producers cut production in response to the lower price, moving down along the supply curve from Qe to Qs. The distance between Qd and Qs shows a shortage of the good in supply.Because of this, now residents in Caracas are forced to rely on the once-a-week deliveries made to government-subsidized stores. Moreover, as figure1. 2 suggests, the gap between Qs and Qd creates a tension in the market. At Qs there are many consumers who would be willing to pay more than Pmax if Qs is on the market. These consumers may have a strong incentive to gain the goods and services they want on the black market. As a result, the supply curve will shoot right up at Qs and the price will raise right up at that point high on the demand curve.This shows that some price ceilings may actually drive the price higher than the original equilibrium and can be just applied to the case of Venezuela. Also, setting a maximum price lower than the market equilibrium price will result in a decreased market siz e as some of the companies will be driven out of the market. The government setting prices are too low for companies to make money so they either curtail production or stop all together. As shown in figure 2. 1, initially the producer surplus of the private companies, in terms of profit, derived by firms is shown as the area from the initial market price line to the supply curve.After price controls by the government, now the new producer surplus is shown as the area from the new price line to the supply curve which is smaller than before and this reflects a lower producer surplus, therefore a welfare loss in the society. In addition, the price ceilings eliminate an allocative efficiency in the country’s economy in a competitive market as it can only be achieved when the society produces enough of a good so that the marginal benefits is equal to the marginal, in other words, producer supply and consumer demand meet at a market equilibrium price.Due to intervention of the gove rnment, price controls disenable society to get goods and services it wants most. As Times mentions, â€Å"some of the shortages are in industries, like dairy and coffee, where the government has seized private companies and is now running them, saying it is in the national interest. † But the consequence of this action is that the government will turn the markets into monopolies as there would be only state ownership in these industries, so there are no competitions between various firms and consumers will not be able to acquire substitutes in the markets.What’s more, while these industries are being completely controlled by the central planner and create state ownership of the factors of production in addition to the guide of Venezuela socialist government, it will result in the lack of individual property rights and incentive to achieve maximum efficiency in the use of resources which characterize private ownership. To conclude, Venezuela is a typically very rich in resources but very low in supplies, price controls in the markets as well as

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Significance of the Research Proposal Research Paper Example

The Significance of the Research Proposal Research Paper Example The Significance of the Research Proposal Paper The Significance of the Research Proposal Paper If you have never written a research proposal before, you may wonder why it is an important and necessary part of your academic career. A research proposal is a document written by the student that provides an in-depth description and analysis of a proposed program. Its main purpose is to outline the entire research process that gives the professor a summary of the information discussed in a project. Typical proposals also include an extensive but focused literature review. A research proposal is your first chance to present your thesis or dissertation ideas in written form to your professors and committee members. This allows you to demonstrate and show to them that you have conceptualized your research around a set of clearly defined research questions about a particular topic. After your professors and university committee members review your proposal, they will further advise you about how you should continue your research. If you submit a well-written, detailed and sophisticated proposal, you will have little trouble incorporating the advice and comments of your professors into your future research. Why is such a proposal important? Simply put, they can be written for various reasons, such as requesting a budget for the research they describe, certification requirements for research (in case experimentation on living creatures needs to be done), as a task in an education environment (before performing research for a thesis), or as a condition for employment at a research institution. In short, your research proposal has to be accepted. A lot is on the line when you are forced to write such an assignment. But more often than not, these tasks, although important, are very time consuming and often lead to illness such as depression, anxiety and stress. It is no surprise either. Creating a successful proposal is no simple task. It means spending more time preparing and planning. In addition, you have to spend time organizing your planning and research, writing and formalizing your proposal, submitting the document to the funder and doing follow-ups. Some proposal documents are 5 pages in length while others can exceed even 40 pages. Such a daunting task can shake even the most skilled writers. The amount of time that needs to be invested is alarming and in most cases impossible. Universities have unfairly made research proposals into a competition of sorts where only the best will be accepted and funded. This raises many problems, especially for the bright students with ingenious minds, but lack of time or lack of proper grasp on the English language. Some students may have the skills required, but they may poorly execute it because of a lack of experience in general writing. It is in situations like these where students should turn to the professionals for help, and there is no better set of professionals than at is a company with only one goal in mind, making sure you succeed. We offer the services of the best writers available. Our team carefully hand picks each writer for every task to ensure the assignment you need is of maximum quality. Students who wish to submit a high quality, professional styled research proposal can work with us to ensure their proposal gets accepted. We will put you in contact with your specific writer so you can work with him or her step by step to direct, organize and head the assignment yourself and ensure everything goes as planned. With our help, students and scholars alike will no longer have to worry about grammar, time or style of writing, as all such tasks will be handled by us in an absolute perfect manner. We guarantee our work will be 100% genuine, plagiarized free and will be delivered on time to ensure you meet your deadline. When your proposal needs to be accepted, is the company that ensures it does. Every single research proposal is unique and should be written with specific approach depending on assignments particular instructions. Our research proposal writing company has reach experience in all academic levels of writing. We know what you need and we deliver it to you!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and Sustainability

Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and Sustainability Abstract Environmental sustainability has been receiving corporate attention in the 21st century. Various industries have been employing different measures on how to ensure environmental safety. The cell phone industry has also entered into this noble initiative in a broad dimension.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and Sustainability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A polluted environment affects all the stakeholders including customers, suppliers, employees and the entire public. Therefore, firms should adhere to waste management practices in order to make good use of the by-products thereby enhancing environmental conservation techniques. The cell phone industry makes products that are friendly to the environment and develops mobile applications that can help in enhancing environmental sustainability. These innovative products also help in keeping the environment clea n. Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and Sustainability Environmental sustainability entails making drastic decisions and actions towards protecting the environment. This initiative ensures that the environment is preserved thereby being able to support human life. Currently, this issue has been among the world’s top agendas, from multinational companies to individual levels and from different government departments to media houses. Organizations are instituting measures that will have less negative effects on the environment than before. Since all businesses have to use energy and release waste products, environmental sustainability tries to make these businesses engage in activities that make them sustainable in the present environs (Is Your Cell Phone Sustainable? 2011). In a recent survey on companies’ thinking on climate change, McKinsey and Company (2008) found that the greatest percentage of executives surveyed consider climate change strategically signific ant, and about 60% take it into account in developing and marketing new products.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cell phone industry has not only been at the fore front in implementing some strategies that will enable them survive in the present atmosphere but also come up with innovative products that can assist in ensuring environmental sustainability. For instance, cell phone industries have tried to shrink their environmental footprints by manufacturing smaller and lighter cell phones (Technology Environmental Sustainability Initiatives n.d.). Smaller gadgets imply the use of less energy in transportation, recycling and reuse, less raw materials extracted and less shipping spaces. Currently, mobile phone manuals are distributed electronically thus reducing paper usage, which are always obtained from trees. From this perspective, cell phone indu stries are using innovation to promote a greener ecosystem. In addition, cell phone industries have made solar powered phones. This innovative idea is reducing overreliance on non-renewable sources of energy like electricity. Apart from the solar powered phones, most of the companies have designed energy efficient mobile phones; these phones take a long time before recharging thus saving money and minimizing gas emissions. This efficiency is seen in the way Nokia has reduced the amount of no-load energy by close to 90%. In 2007, Nokia sent alert into phones in alerting the public to unplug their chargers while, not in use. Nokia boasts of creating all their devices with an environmental mind. An example is the Nokia Lumia 820 (Apps services – Nokia 2013). It has an in-device user guide, packed in a small box made of renewable materials. However, a small printed guide with highlighted usage tips is on Green page while full information is available on (Sustainable mo bile products 2013).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and Sustainability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This phone has maps that help in locating directions for pedestrians and travellers; this innovative idea reduces overreliance on papers. The materials are all recyclable and are free from harmful metals like nickel and mercury. Apple Company has powered all its facilities using renewable sources of energy. This initiative lessens carbon foot print, thereby raising the hopes of approaching a green ecosystem. To add to that, Apple introduced iPhone 3G ships that had PVC free USB cables, headphones and a free display mercury-arsenic (Apple Apple and the Environment 2013). A continuous study into the environmental status report of the phone shows that it has a recyclable aluminium enclosure and an efficient power adapter that outperforms strictest global energy. These were in line with the ENERGY STAR requirement. Clearly, these features reduce environmental impact. Even though a mobile phone is a small electronic gadget that causes a negligible impact to environmental degradation, a total number of 1.6 billion phones that were sold in 2011 cause a significant effect on the quantity of waste per unit. Therefore, this calls for measures on how to minimize waste in the environment. The cell phone industries like Nokia, Motorola, AT T have adopted the initiative of ensuring that they use non-plastic inserts and trays by the end of 2013 (Sustainable Mobile Phone n.d.). These packages such as the phone casing are to be made from less pollutant objects. The organic chemicals that were to be used in making batteries were to be less volatile in order to minimize pollutions.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, the cell phone industry has opted to recycle their products like battery contents and the casings which are environmentally friendly. In designing sustainable products, firms aim at yielding improvement in the environment and increased revenue, as well. Smart phones are made in a way that one is able to communicate with a large group of people at a time; they have cameras and USB cables for transfer of data. Some of its applications that have proved useful to environmental activist are discussed below. The first one is the Visibility App that measures the quality of air. One can use an Android Phone to take a picture of the atmosphere and transmits it to a centralized server to interpret, compare and generate the data (Ganguly 2012). Afterwards, the mobile operator receives a notification that indicates the extent of pollution. This app was the work of the University of South Carolina’s Robotic lab. The next application is the Leaf View Project. This app helps in discovering new species of plants and animals in a crowded environment. After identification, one has to compare it with the central database. Moreover, one can study the consequences of global warming on these species. Since global warming and climate change leads to species extinction; this app will assist in keeping these species within an environment hence helping to approach towards a greener ecosystem. Goods Guide and 3rd Whale are the other applications. They promote a greener and sustainable environment by scanning of sustainable products and businesses in the locality and with the assistance of the GiftRocket application; one can purchase products through phone. The 3rd Whale app uses a GPRS system to locate the businesses and products. There is also the VerdeEnergy and EnergySaver application in the smart phones. These apps help in tracking energy consumption and planning for efficient utilization of energy in homesteads. A controlled energy usage enhances the cleanliness of an environment. The fifth app is the EcoSpeed and GreenMeter; they are used in tracking a vehicle’s fuel efficiency and daily movements. Of much interest is that EcoSpeed app can identify routes that consume less fuel than other routes. Clearly, the apps help to minimize environmental pollution that could have resulted due to excess use of fuel. There is also the Bar code technology that can be used to control illegal felling of trees (Ganguly 2012). In this technology, trees are assigned codes that are fed in the central database. Helveta Company is applying this technology to Forest cutters such that trees that are brought at the company without bar codes are deemed illegal. These smart phone applications, undoubtedly, assist in achieving environmental sustainability. The giant cell phone industry Samsung developed Eco-Design Assessment system in 2004. This assessment technique was to ensure that all Samsung’s products complied with the global environmental regul ations (Eco-Design 2013). In 2009, eco-rating system came in force. In terms of product development there is the Samsung Galaxy Note II; in this smart phone, one can create, edit and store documents. Using the S Pen, one can write and store data; therefore, this technology minimizes the use of papers, wooden pencils and plastic pens. Notably, elimination of these writing materials will help create sustainable and greener ecosystems. The short life span of smart phones is a key challenge to the cell phone industries (Mobile Phones n.d.). This shows that consumers dispose a high number of these products annually thus resulting to immense environmental degradation. These phones have a sizeable amount of minerals like gold and copper, toxic metals like mercury and lead in sizeable amounts. Since a high number of smart phones are disposed within a short time, the small amount of toxic metals multiply thus causing underground water and air pollution. Additionally, cell phone industries fa ce an uphill task of eliminating electromagnetic radiations that mobile phones emit to the environment. Specifically, mobile phones use microwave which is harmful to human health. Some researchers had shown the relationship between biological effects and exposure to mobile phones. The WHO in 2011 also noted that use of mobile phones can cause health risks. Recently, some researchers found out that cell phones can affect the brain and salivary gland tumours. These observations pose immense challenges to the cell phone industries in introducing their products in the market. In addition, another research showed that heavy mobile phone users are over 40% prone to contracting brain cancer (Mobile Phones n.d.). Even though there are still uncertainties on these observations, consumers remain alert on the possible consequences of using large phones like the smart phones. Further, the manufacture and replacement of integrated circuits are the main cause of electronic waste. Cell phone indus tries will have to institute mass education on the health risks of using mobile phones, since there is still no concrete evidence to prove the claimed effects. This initiative will be a costly one, but it will help in altering the perceptions of the public towards purchasing new mobile phones. For instance, iPhones have wide surface area; one can assume that it has more radioactive emission thereby avoiding them. Additionally, these industries ought to carry out numerous researches in order to manufacture greener mobile phones (Johnstone 2013).) Therefore, the mobile devices should have minimal heath risks, long lifespan, be recyclable at the end of life and perform efficiently. App developers are constantly coming up with new apps that are useful as they aid the current activities. These apps are developed in the new sustainable products so that they continue serving their purpose. The cell phone industries should understand the nature of their markets when manufacturing their prod ucts. For instance, they should make the applications look easy to understand so that all customers can buy and find it easy to use. Samsung should carry out more sale promotions on different media about their Galaxy cell phones than before. The same should apply to the Apple Company in advertising their iPhones. Since environmentally friendly products have adverse favourable effects to the environment, these companies should clearly outline the overall benefits of their products to the customers (Mobile phone industry takes baby steps toward sustainability 2009). Markedly, the companies should have a strategy or forecast on how to serve different customers who cannot afford some phones of high prices. The cell phone industry has adopted environmentally friendly approaches that if all industries can replicate, then the environment will remain sustainable for all. From their energy conservation measures like Apple’s use of renewable source of energy to development of environme ntally-friendly batteries that use less energy in the long run, they are working towards a sustainable environment. The industry has also adopted phone recycling mechanisms and targets educating their consumers on these measures. Through innovation, the firms have made tremendous steps towards approaching a greener ecosystem. This is evident from the entire essay. However, the cell phone companies have to develop greener mobile phones with applications which will help in enhancing environmental sustainability. Bibliography Apple Apple and the Environment 2013. Apple. Web. Apps services Nokia 2013. Cell Phones and Smartphones Nokia USA. Web. Eco-Design. 2013. About Samsung. Web. Environment Sustainability n.d., Samsung US. Web. Ganguly, A. 2012. Save the Environment Using Cell Phones. Sustainable-Sphere. Web. Is Your Cell Phone Sustainable? 2011. Sustainable Business, Green Business, Renewable Energy, Organic Green Investing, Green Capital. Web. Johnstone, A. 2013. Mobile Pho nes and Environmental Sustainability. Adam M. Johnston, B.A. | Freelance Writer on Renewable Energy, Technology, Globalization, Soccer, and Video Games. Web. Mobile Phones n.d., UL Environment. Web. Mobile phone industry takes baby steps toward sustainability 2009. English | Radio Netherlands Worldwide. Web. Sustainable Mobile Phone n.d., Lowell Center for Sustainable Production. Web. Sustainable mobile products 2013, January 5. Cell Phones and Smartphones Nokia – USA. Web. Technology Environmental Sustainability Initiatives n.d., ATT Cell Phones, U- verse, Digital TV, DSL Internet, and Phone Service. Web.